
Showing posts from February, 2019

Thailand Travels

Just another reminder that whilst everyone at uni was doing Jan exams, I was pretending to have no responsibilities or financial restraints. Unlike Bali, I had a lot of preconceived notions about Thailand, both good and bad, and was simultaneously more excited than ever, and scared of what I might see- what if the elephants were badly treated, or the full moon party was disgusting, or I got malaria, or another tattoo??! This was a larger group, coming from one of 6 to 22, and initially I was absolutely bricking it. Travelling in a group of four for over three months means you get reliant on each other, and suddenly I was with new people that could be completely different to me. Spoiler: they were, but that only meant we had more to talk about, more to joke about, and more to find in common. We started in Bangkok- the most polluted place I've ever visited. Some people leave with a thai tattoo from crashing bikes, I have a Bangkok cough that I can't get rid off- that du...